Deryk Barker <[log in to unmask]>:

>I believe RVW acknowledged using Beethoven 5 as the structural model for
>his 4th symphony.  Incidentally, although that 4-note theme has sometimes
>been mistaken for BACH, it's actually BAHB.

Now lets see here.  My theory goes that a composer leave unintentionally
his deepest obssessions in Freudian circumscription in the music.  So Reger
loved the old contrapunctial masters and wrote B-A-C-H.  Sjostakovitj loved
himself and came up with D-Eb-C-H.  RVW seemingly was obsessed with babble
B-A-H-B.  Had Casanova lived today we could perhaps have proven this
thesis, had he with a pen in his hand and lined paper at hand came up with
a B-A-B-E motif:-)

Mats Norrman
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