Mike Leghorn replies to David Runnion:

>>You can enjoy the silence of a muted ER but that's just you enjoying
>>silence, it is not Cage.
>I'm sorry.  I still don't get it.  Just because I'm physically
>present at a concert performance of 4'33" doesn't necessarily mean I'm
>participating and sitting respectfully and truely listening to the music
>of silence.  I might be daydreaming or fidgetting, like so many people do,
>even at concerts with real music.  While I'm sitting in front of the TV
>and the sound is muted, I might be thinking or Beethoven's 3rd.

Perhaps David should have phrased it this way: You are listening to Cage's
4'33" if you think you are.  Just as you are "listening" to Beethoven's 3rd
if it or a fragment of it is playing in your head.

Steve Schwartz, just trying to help