>>The authors state that this result appears to correlate with those
obtained using a slatted rack. In the same issue of American Bee
Journal, pp. 747-476, Dr. Keith Delaplane at the University of Georgia
reports on a three-year study using the slatted rack. In this
investigation, the modification did produce more brood near the hive
entrance, but did not result in a general brood production increase when
compared to controls.

I have never used slatted racks but the ones I saw pictured in catalogs
had 10 slats (that line up with 10 frames in a standard hive body).  I
know a lot of folks use only 9 frames per hive body (to let the bees
draw out deeper cells to make decapping easier).  It occurred to me that
if one were to look down in between the 9 frames, because of the wider
spacing, one would see some of the slat tops underneath.  Could some
varroa land there and catch a ride back on the next bee ?


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