His string quintet in F (op. 3, published by Hofmeister, Leipzig in 1901
according to the LoC catalog) (if memory serves) in a YLE (if I recall)
tape gets occasional broadcast over BBC Radio 3 late night; it's moderately
good.  The work that seems to get most often played in YLE transcription
tape on US radio stations (like WKSU at Kent State University, and also, I
think, BBC) is the op. 10 Finnish Suite; there's also a Dramatic Overture,
the op. 6, in addition to the symphony op. 4 and the piano & orchestra
concert piece (not "concerto" strictly-speaking, but I haven't heard these
works except for the quintet) op. 9 on the Sterling CD. I've seen mention
of other works in YLE1's online listings from time to time, I think...
not to say he wrote many...

Which reminds me rather tangentially that I also would see there the
occasional mention of a broadcast performance of string quartets by Erkki
Melartin.  I've heard the first quartet on a YLE transcription tape but
none of the three others (the third and fourth, if memory serves, are
said to be particularly interesting examples of his mature output),
though there's a webpage out there that describes them...  now there's
a discographic project for someone.  Oh well.  The three symphonies of
his six that I've heard are outstanding- my opinion, I hope I need not
say.  Apologies for digression.

Eric Schissel
Raven to a raven flies - Pushkin via Medtner
Frei aber allein!!