Mats Norrman asks regarding the quotation from *Goetzendaemmerung*,
Sprueche und Pfeile, Aphorism No. 33:

   Wie wenig gehoert zum Gluecke! Der Ton eines Dudelsacks.  - Ohne
   Musik waere das Leben ein Irrtum. Der Deutsche denkt sich selbst
   Gott liedersingend.

>I have thought that Nietzsche wrote this very early.  Could anyone provide
>a year?

The manuscript was published toward the end of Nietzsche's productive life
in September 1888.  It is really the last of Nietzsche's masterly late
group of writings - "Ecce Homo" really being more of a morbid curiosity
rather than anything else.

The original title of "Goetzendaemmerung" was quite different but Nietzsche
eventually came up the strikingly Wagnerian title of "Twilight of the
Idols".  I have come with time to realise how truly and deeply Wagnerian
the idea of the collapse and rebirth of the whole world order as we know
it through the re-evaluation of all values really is.  Nietzsche really
does do an ideological torching of all the dogma of philosophical ideology
prior to him, allowing them to burn like the towers of Valhalla!

Satoshi Akima
Sydney, Australia