Rodney DeCecco wrote:

>Mr. Wisse's choice of Hough would be mine also.  But "Horowitz, Kempff,
>Curzon" would be unusual, to say the least.  How about "Solomon, Kempff,
>Curzon" or at another time "Argerich, Argerich, Argerich"?

This could lead to an very long list of excellent pianist from the "past"
I have just mentioned a few of my favourites, I could have added:  Ogdon
(Busoni concerto, Alkan concerto), Bolet (Liszt, Sgambati concerto),
Richter, Guilels (Grieg lyric pieces) Arrau (Liszt), I mentioned Horowitz,
because of his Scarlatti, and Kempff because of his fantastic Schubert
sonatas.  I like Curzon because of his integrety, and intensely musical
playing, e.g in the Mozart concerti, and also Rachmaninoff (his own
concerti, and a brilliant Schumann Carnival), not to forget Byron Janis
Anda & Sandor (Bartok)

Peter Wisse
The Hague