Richard Ujvary writes about cm:

>...perhaps it just might be the only thing to save classical music from
>a fate that befell's now dead and studied.

The worry about classical Latin and Greek is that they may be dead and not
studied.  Much classical music is already dead and studied.  It is quite
natural for art forms to rise up and pass away, to be replaced by something
new.  But the old forms must be studied and not dismissed.

Denis Fodor replies to Richard Ujvary:

>..or perhaps the thing to save classical music is the fate that befell
>music's sister arts, painting and sculpture.  The classical stuff still
>draws crowds at the worlds most famous museums, bigger crowds than at the
>far fewer museums of modern art....

I don't know about anywhere else, but in London, Salford and elsewhere in
the UK the huge crowds are flocking to the latest Modern Art (e.g.  Tate
Modern) while the classical stuff is drawing fewer numbers.

Alan Moss