Peter wrote:
> Unfortunately, this is an example of faulty math. If screens with
> formic have half as many mites, that doesn't mean double
> effectiveness, my mistake.
> Actually, if the controls are 70% infected and the formic hives
> have a 21% rate, then 70% of the total mites  have been killed
> (49 divided by 70). If you add the screens and have a 9% rate,
> then you have killed 87% of the total mites (61 divided by 70).
> This means that only 17% of the total kill with formic and
> screens combined is accountable to the screens.

That doesn't sounds very impressive put that way, but comparing the
resulting infestation rates with and without screens (21% and 9%) it seems
that the screens got rid of more than half of what the acid alone left
behind, lowering the infection percentage (measured how?) by about 57%.
Perhaps the formic acid treatment results in mites which fall but are not
killed, and the screens remove most or many of those from the hive.

The very act of seeking sets something in motion to meet us;
something in the universe, or in the unconscious responds as if
to an invitation.  - Jean Shinoda Bolen