Hi Everyone,

I am a graduate student in the Dept. of Archaeology at Simon Fraser
University, British Columbia.  My research is centered on the O'Brien
Brewing and Malting Co site, Klondike City, Yukon and bottle reuse.  As I'm
sure most of you are aware, attempts to decipher the context of bottles at
historic sites is often convoluted by the possibility that they may have
been reused over an extended period of time and they may have served
several secondary functions.  Slight differences exist at the brewery site,
where I am dealing with an assemblage of bottles that were being collected
for a specific period of time and were reused for the same purpose as they
were originally intended for (lateral cycling).

For the most part, I have completed my research and I have exhausted most
sources for additional information regarding historic archaeological
examinations of brewery sites, bottle reuse, etc.  I was recently informed
about the HISTARCH email service and I thought I'd send a quick email ....
just in case there was something that I may have overlooked.  Any relevant
journal articles, references, etc. that you may be aware of and/or if you
have any comments to make would be appreciated.

With Thanks,
Mike Will