Santu De Silva ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>How about the least cherished 10 CDs?

Exactly what I *wasn't* talking about.  All my CDs are cherished - that's
the trouble!  I'm not terribly interested in what other people don't like,
which is their loss, but what they do.

And to reverse the dulling negativity of this line of approach, if I were
only *keeping* 10 CDs, then I'd consciously try to give space to some
pieces (rather than performances) to which I'd given shortest shrift and
from which I felt I had most to quarry.  The ones, if you like, that were
least outside my personal "comfort zone".  That might be more interesting

To speak gravely for a moment, some years ago an elderly friend of mine
conscious started stripping his collection away, and I couldn't for the
life of me understand why.  Now begin to understand why, but not I'm afraid

Christopher Webber,  Blackheath, London,  UK.