Mark, for now, start practising right away, no matter what method you
decide on. I personally use a piece of wire smashed on one end with a
hammer, and bent into a scoop shape. I transfer the smallest larvae into
plasic cups shoved up into the groove underneath a shallow super frame.
Keep humid with a damp towel, transfer into a strong queenless hive, wait 9
days, put the finnished cells into nucs, wait untill new queen is laying,
and there you go.

I once tried priming the cells with diluted honey to help float the larva
off the wire, but I guess I did something wrong, and not one of about 50
larvae I grafted took. I know other do very well priming with honey, I use
this just as an example of how something you find in the archives of a site
like this might not work for you. (I hope you've checked the archives on
this site).

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