George and others have a point.  And if you doubt that people will pay for
what George call DESIRE - look at what's happened to coffee in North
America.  As someone else said (and I can't remember who - my apologies),
in any U.S. airport you can buy coffee at McDonald's or Starbucks.  There's
always a line at Starbucks.

Also, from another perspective - look at what movie theater's charge for
popcorn and sodas.  Not any better, just where and when.

I well understand the problem facing the large commercial operations or
people in small markets in terms of selling a special pack - but I also
know that most of my associates and students at the University don't know
that honey's vary in taste.  Many don't like the "premium" white, sweet
tasting honey.  But, they may like one of the darker or stronger flavored
honey's.  Just like wines, not we all have our preferences.

Often, as a guest speaker to a bee group, I am asked to judge honey.  I
always refuse.  My reason, which is not a popular one, is that any system
of judging honey that takes into account everything but taste is innately
Jerry J. Bromenshenk
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