Didrik Schiele opined:

>I don't understand the point in listening to a composer who nobody else
>takes interest in.

One word: curiosity.

If somebody went through the trouble of recording work(s) by Burleigh, I
think it's safe to say that *somebody* is interested in him.

>I mean, composers whose skill can be argued to actually be higher quality,
>so called "underrated" composers, say Hummel for example, at least has won
>little recognition.

True enough.

>I don't understand why another spends time to even think of Harry Burleigh
>when there are Mozarts, Bachs, Beethovens and Mahlers around.

One other word: variety.

I get sick of listening to the same big-time composers, so I move on to
other ones for a while to cleanse the pallet, so to speak.  In addition,
investigating the Burleighs of music sets the Beethovens and the Bachs
into context.

>I would never listen to Harry Burleigh.  And I could go on for ever here!

Well, if that's the way you want to go, that's fine with me.

Mark K. Ehlert