It shouldn't happen to a beginner! This is my first posting to bee-l. You
will see from point 7 that I have a big problem.

I am a newbie beekeeper. I have my hive in my parent's garden. I know I
should have at least two - just give me time.

Here's the story:

1. I re-queened (using a nuke) because my bees were very bad tempered and I
did not know the age or origins of the queen I had.

2. The new queen is laying and the brood seems to be developing and honey is
being stored. I have two British National brood boxes and two supers above a

3. Queen cells started to be formed soon after uniting the nuke with the
de-queened brood box.

4. As a beginner, I destroyed all of the q-cells, some of which contained an

5. My latest inspection revealed many q-cells, mainly along the bottom of
the frames in the top box, but also some in the bottom box and a few partway
up the face of the combs. Several of them had royal jelly in them.

6. I destroyed all that I could find, knowing that swarm control measures
would be needed but . and here comes the really bad news:

7. Two days previously, my father, in whose garden the hive is situated, had
been rushed to Accident and Emergency with a near fatal anaphylactic shock
reaction to some sort of bite or sting on the back of his head. The
probability is that it was one of my bees! He had been stung many times
before with very little reaction. On this occasion he was not close to the
hive, which had not been touched for at least 3 days. I must remove the

8. This is why I did not instigate artificial swarm measures: I am not sure
if they would work in conjunction with moving the hive to a fresh location.
Please advise on relocating a hive and performing swarm control at the same
time. Does the artificial swarm depend on the hive being in one location for
a while? Would anyone talk me thru the procedure of swam control and
relocating synchronously? I have books describing
artificial swarm etc. but I have never done it.

I should be interested in comments on any part of my story, but especially
point 8. You will appreciate that the situation is quite urgent.
