Steve Schwartz wrote:

>A propos of the late Perry Como: One of his hits during the Fifties was
>"Hot Diggety, Dog Diggety, Boom!  What You Do to Me!" credited to accordion
>player extraordinaire, Milton DeLugg (also author of "Whoop de Doo!" and,
>for a brief time, leader of the Tonight Show band).
>At any rate, has anyone else noticed the similarity between "Hot Diggety"
>and Chabrier's Espana?

It's "Hot Diggety Dog Ziggety Boom" (with a "Z"), and it's not by DeLugg.
And it's "Hoop de Doo" (not "Whoop").  But Steve's correct.  DeLugg did
write that one (with words by the great Frank Loesser).  And wasn't DeLugg
bandleader on "Broadway Open House" (not the "Tonight Show")?

"Hot Diggety" was indeed adapted from the first theme in "Espana."

John Dalmas
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