David Bresch wrote:

>There is a long delay before one can purchase items displayed on the Naxos
>Historical site, in the United States (and in Philadelphia, the wait will
>be until my dying day).  Most, but not all the recordings can be obtained
>from Amazon UK, with a wait of several weeks.  Does anyone know what is
>the fastest way to obtain Naxos Historical Recordings.  The sellers they
>propose, HMV Canada and two others in the states, are a waste of time.

You might try Blackwell's in London.

This whole issue has been on my mind lately.  Some of the Naxos Historical
is not to be sold in the US.  I believe this has to do with the duration
of ownership of broadcast performances in this country being longer than
in the European Community.  However, I believe, that if one buys via the
internet, the purchase transaction is considered to have taken place in the
country of the dealer.  It would seem to open the door to some interesting

Through the kindness of Priory, my little label now has UK distribution.
This has lead me to the notion that I could issue produce any US broadcast
over 50 years old, and sell it provided it was an exclusive UK release.

While I will be talking about this with my attorney, I wondered if any of
you out there might have some thoughts, or perspective on all of this.  The
thought crosses my mind that I could issue many of my favorite Koussevitzky
and Stokowski broadcast performances and do it legally.
