I hope that the line between movie and classical music doesn't go away
entirely, because I don't think there would be an equal merger.  The
entertainment world would simply swallow up classical music; then Sony
will see its strategy of re-defining classical music reach fruition.

The music to the Red Violin was quite good in my opinion, much better than
the movie itself.  My wife and I have watched it twice and fallen asleep
both times.  We are an exciting duo.

Could someone please explain to me the appeal that the John Williams film
scores for those "larger than life" movies possesses? I hear nothing in
them but the usual swashbuckling scores of yesteryear.  I had enough of
that when I was growing up.

The minimalism of film scores has been an excellent trend.  It can add much
to a good movie such as with American Beauty.  Still, take away the movie,
and the music quickly loses all appeal; that's the basic problem with movie
music.  Most of it can't stand on its own, and that's essentially why it
irks me when the two are spoken of at the same time.

Don Satz
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