Jos Janssen wrote:

>...  As I said before amongst these ranks, I cannot think of any valid
>reason (except maybe that you might think it looks highbrow in your CD
>stand) to buy ANY complete edition just because it's complete.

Boxed sets are often discounted significantly when compared to buying music
a single disc at a time. A 50% savings can more than make up for a clunker
performance or three.

If this is not a valid reason for you, please consider contributions to my
Fund to Promote Full Priced Purchases. I promise that every penny will go
towards the purchase of single performance full priced recordings.

They are a convenient way to quickly obtain a given repertoire. You do
not have any reason to expect to improve your results through strategic
purchases without taking time to do research. This time is not always
available and/or some may prefer to instead spend it listening.

Sometimes I'll buy a complete set to gain initial exposure to some music
for one or both of the above reasons before zeroing in on other recordings.

Many of us collect multiple recordings of the same music. For such
collectors, it can be desirable to obtain a given artist's perspective
on a corner of the repertoire.

There you go, three valid reasons and I never even had to scratch my head.
All offered in the spirit of public service....

Tim Dickinson