Thanks to Margaret Mikulska for her remarks on the Koechel catalogue and to
Deryk for reminding us of the Philips "complete" Mozart project.  Brenten
Davis had asked:

>... does anyone know if there is a cd collection Mozart's K1-K626, and
>where it is?

I have trouble understanding why anyone would want an integral set
of Mozart - or any major composer, for that matter, unless one had
musical-history impulses.  Colin Davis is a fine conductor, but there
are other conductors who have done Mozart just as well, if not better.
Furthermore, there's an awful lot of chaff among the wheat, in my opinion.
True, there's probably not a better opera than Don Giovanni or Marriage
of Figaro, but there are better symphonies than the first 27 Mozart wrote,
many of those symphonies by Mozart himself.  I say this not to persuade
anyone of Mozart's intrinsic worth (I don't know what it is myself), but
to point out that every composer has written less-good work and that if
you expect everything to be mind-bogglingly wonderful, you will be
disappointed.  On the other hand, you could very well learn something
from a total-immersion in the good-bad-indifferent broth of The Complete
Everything, as well as discover neglected masterpieces (the vespers and
masses, for example).  The question is, as always, whether you want to
plunk down the required chunk of cash.

Steve Schwartz