Satoshi Akima wrote:

>Even worse is when you actually buy chunky boxed sets and then take them
>home. I assure the very sight of the huge thing will put you off even
>contemplating the chore of playing the whole monstrosity through from
>the first CD to last. It is a sure formula for a Mozartian to come to
>hate Mozart. I am sure you would be far better off taking time, even if
>this means years, of exploring Mozart's output bit by bit, reading and
>researching as you go.  Box sets are sometimes like packaged tours - they
>don't really allow you to 'live' with the music.

To each his own! I learned to love Beethoven through the DGG  vinyl
Beethoven Edition, and Mozart through the Philips Mozart Edition. I'm a
sort of plunge-into-it guy, and for me the complete immersion in a single
composer's output brings rewards that I can't get by listening bit-by-bit
over many years. Of course, I return to composers over a period of many
years, deepening my understanding and appreciation. But the thorough
immersion never fails to give me great satisfaction. I did it with Verdi
this year, and Bach is up next year.

Peter Goldstein