Peter Goldstein:

>Well.  About 15 years ago, for a variety of reasons (all of them
>insufficient), I began to drift away from CM....And I discovered,
>to my horror, that I don't like Beethoven anymore.

I am inclined to think that these two facts are connected, and I
suspect it is a case of overdose.  I can understand the hypersensitivity
to Beethoven's forcefulness and, given that you like Mozart and Haydn,
you might see how you react to some of Beethoven's gentler works, such
as the Triple Concerto, the Archduke Trio, the Violin Concerto, the 4th
Piano Concerto, etc.  What I do not understand is how you can call the
Hammerklavier sterile.  Maybe you need another fifteen years away from
this composer.

Jim Tobin