I would like to see an end of year poll.  Perhaps after all the hoopla re
the Millenium, Y2K etc (yawn) there could be a poll that is a little less

I suggest a CM Golden Rasberry Awards.  Catagories could include:

 1. Most overrated CM CD of the year
 2. Worst orchestral performance
 3. Worst vocal performance
 4. Special pontificating bore award for worst CM commentator
 5. Most ridiculous CM/rock crossover album
 6. Most misleading CM review of the year award
 7. Most annoying engineering award
 8. Label that should be bought by a US brewery giant and asset stripped award
 9. Most pretentious CM CD cover award
10. Most needless, irritating period instument rehash award.

Maybe that would improve the response.

All the best,

David Harbin
Nottingham, UK