Donald Satz wrote:

>I haven't noticed any recent differences, athough I don't often buy DG
>orchestral discs.

I can't say I do either, but I have heard a DG / Abbado recording of the
"Midsummer Night's Dream" Overture by Mendelssohn.  The opening violin
pixie-patter (or whatever) sounds very muted on this recording, in my
opinion.  It seems to sound flatter even than an old LP of the same works
under Ormandy on RCA - and that despite the latter item being old and
visibly bent.  It's currently being pressed flat under a large pile of

The sound of Karajan's recordings, though, cannot be faulted - the clarity
accentuates further the lines that the conductor brings out well anyway.
I think somebody already said that, though.......

Sam Kemp