I have a question if you could help me with.  I have been appointed the
assistant conductor of the Louisiana Philharmonic.  As far as I know LPO
is the only player owned and operated full scale professional orchestra in
the US.  WE do have an administrative staff, who are wonderful by the way.
But many of the decisions usually left to executive directors and music
directors are shared by the orchestra.  It is a much more lengthy process,
but I believe it is a process which empowers the whole group.

Do you know of any other examples of such an organizational structure for
full size professional orchestra? I would love to hear about one.

LPO is a bigger situation than Orpheus or Australian Chamber Orchestra.
And as great as those two groups are a full sized symphony brings on a
whole new set of challenges than a chamber orchestra situation.

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Chris Younghoon Kim
Assistant Conductor, Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra