My wife and I attended a wedding on Saturday with a most interesting
selection of organ music.  One piece in particular caught our attention and
we would like to learn more about it.  It was the music to which the bride
entered, called simply "Processional," composed by one Louis Raffy.  We
went so far as to ask the organist about it afterward.  To our surprise,
she could tell us nothing about Mr.  Raffy, or his work.  In fact, she
played from a ditto copy of the score, which had been given to her by a
teacher over 30 years ago!  Who is this Raffy? And is anyone on this list
aware of a recording of his "Processional"?

By the way, and while we're at it, the bride and groom exited to
Charles-Marie Widor's "Tocatta in F." Quite a swinging tune.  I could see
the groom conducting to it on the way up the aisle.  Can anyone recommend
a recording of it?

Thanks and regards,
Bob Chen
Los Angeles, CA