D. Stephen Heersink, on Haydn symphonies:

>The others may be technically superior and more literally accurate,
>but the grandeur of Beecham is resplendent, proving once again
>that great composers can be improved upon by illustrious conductors.

My first encounter with the Haydn London symphonies was through the
Beecham versions and while I admired their - elegance is probably the best
word - I sensed there was something else I wasn't hearing.  I dutifully
bought the Dorati box and found a different approach again, but still I
thought I was being shortchanged.  One day on a whim, I bought the Woldike
version of the Drumroll symphony, and found what I'd been missing - taut
playing, and excitement.  Coincidentally, in search of something else the
other day, I found that Woldike's versions of the last six are available
on Vanguard SVC14/16.  I think that this great conductor's work was the
logical ancestor of the HIP versions we hear today.  As Deryk Barker

>In 99-104 Wo"ldike (Vanguard) has yet to be beat IMHO.

And in mine too.

Richard Pennycuick
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