We're told that growers will be wanting to spray one or several of the
following on canola crops that are in almost full bloom where we will have bees.
I have the blue book pages but see *nothing* mentioned about bees.

I have heard bad things about fungicides and bees.  Has anyone on the list any
experience with the following chemicals?

Bravo 500
Ronilan EG
Tatoo C

I am told that the first four are pretty well harmless to bees.  If so, which
fungicides have I heard all the bad things about?

Thanks in advance.


PS: Aaron mentioned hair.  If you want to see his hair (singular), go to
A Beekeeper's Diary: http://www.internode.net/HoneyBee/Diary/
Package installation & performance experiments, winter loss, fondant feeding,
Pierco vs. Permadent vs. dark comb, unwrapping bees, spring splitting tricks,
AFB, varroa, protein patties, daily mumblings and more... Over 1850 served