Todd Michel McComb wrote:

>One of my most humorous moments in a classical music store was having
>a clerk of some imagined refinement trying to explain something, showing
>a recording, and having me say casually "Oh, yes," as I flipped over the
>disc and pointed to my name, "That's me." Bad luck on his part.

I used to have the same sort of experience in Cambridge MA in the
early-mid 1970s, when I was dividing my time beween Europe and the US...

I was based in London when I was not with Jascha Horenstein on the road,
and would of course attend every possible rehearsal, concert and recording
session, sometimes as a kibitzer and sometimes [in 1975-76] as an
uncredited co-producer [especially for Unicorn, JH's label].

Dropping in at one or another Harvard Square record store only to be
condescendingly advised as to which version of whatever to buy, I would
smile and say, "Sorry, I was at those sessions and they weren't really up
to the level of his concert the week before"...

Many of the folks in retail sales in those days had no notion that there
was a REAL WORLD out there in which REAL PEOPLE actually played, turned
knobs, hung microphones and so forth....eventually they got to realize
who I was and started asking ME for advice.  Always dangerous!


Joel Lazar
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