Isn't Janacek a wonderful composer? [rethoric question - answer is yes].
He made interesting contributions with his symphonic works as well as in
the opera field.  And most of his output is very high quality (I wished he
had fallen in love with that girl earlier, and his output might have been

I am eager to learn more about this man, his interesting personality and
his works.  I wonder if there is any biography avaliable.  As I presume
there are no Swedish translations, I might add that both the English and
the German language are OK for me.

Also I wonder if there are any explicitely Czech recordings of his operas.
I mean with czechophones only.  The rythm of the language was very
important for Janaceks procedure of constructing the operas, and therefore
I don't want just anyone (even good singers) to pickle with the language.
Czech singers are preferred to better foregin singers.

I'd be very thankful for any recommendation under my praemisses!

Mats Norrman
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