Aaron Rabushka wrote:

>I don't know the Naxos Bax recordings, but MHS had a splendid series
>going (I believe it originated with Lyrita)


>with English orchestras conducted by Myer Fredman (#'s 1 & 2), Raymond
>Leppard (#5), and Norman del Mar (#6).

The orchestra in all the Lyrita Bax symphonies was the London Philharmonic.
Leppard also did #7 which is coupled with #1 on the CD.  I'm pretty sure
Lyrita never recorded 3 or 4.  IMHO, Fredman's is still the best version
of #1.  And don't forget Spring Fire (Chandos/Vernon Handley), which Bax
designated a symphony but not as one of the numbered canon.

Richard Pennycuick
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