I don't think either James Kearney or anyone else has mentioned his
deafness on the list before, but now that he has told his story I can
perhaps respond publicly.

I've had the pleasure of meeting James at several concerts in London -
Festival Hall, Albert Hall and the Barbican - and the first time we met
his hearing problems came as a complete surprise to me and to my wife Sue.
She's a music therapist and had recently finished a period of working in a
school for deaf children, so she knows a bit about how "deaf" people can
understand and appreciate music.  Typically of James, he made no comment
about his deafness and just acted as if it was completely normal for
someone with his difficulties to be attending a classical concert.

I don't really know how he does it, but I can vouch for the strength of
James' love of music and for his ability to know exactly what's going on
in a live performance.  I've sat in the next seat and I know how fully he
experiences and appreciates each performance - rather more than a good many
of the other people around.  So I can't even begin to imagine how he must
be feeling now:

>Since then, my greatest Birmingham and London concerts overcame the aural
>barriers and gave me transcendent thrills.  The burgeoning Internet and
>this Moderated List helped me discover new musical treasures and cherished
>friends.  A few days ago, Meniere's Syndrome laid waste my hearing a second
>time.  Deaf, dizzy, with tinnitus screeching like a modem gone berserk, I
>already ask, "When can I start to enjoy classical music again?"

James, from me and I'm sure from all your friends on this list: you've
come through this before, you can do it again.  Believe in that, and in
the healing power of music.  You'll get there, I do not doubt it.

Very best wishes,

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