I received the message below from a friend at Southern Illinois University,
Edwardsville (SIUE).who asked me to pass it on.  I will forward any
responses to him.

Did I mention to you that I'm now involved in developing the Ruth
Slenczynska Archive at my univ.? She's been artist-in-residence here for
36 years.  Since she turned 75 this year, SIUE gave me a summer grant to try
to locate as many of her live performances as possible.  I'd appreciate it
if you could see if any of the your contacts (including universities) have
any of her live recordings.  It's like looking for a needle in a haystack;
I've had some notices posted on various piano and classical recording user
groups, but very little response.  Sometimes I have success, however.  Just
yesterday I was informed that a 1983 recital she played at the Univ.  of KY
was in their music library, and last week I received a radio broadcast from
Icelandic Radio.

Joel Hill
Tallahassee, FL - USA
ALKAN Web Page: http://www.nettally.com/joelhill/alkan