A Songbook Companion

Julianne Baird (soprano), Madeline Kapp (treble),
Mela Tenenbaum (violin and vocal), Richard Kapp (keyboards)
Total time: 60:39
ESS.A.Y CD1054

Summary for the Busy Executive:  A charmer.

I'm a sucker for this repertoire and this kind of music-making, evocative
of the parlor and the family of the 19th century.  Family music I find
among the most enjoyable.  When my sister and I were kids, my family used
to take long driving trips in the summer, and we whiled away the time
singing in parts - rounds, show tunes, pop, folk songs, camp songs, and so
on.  Conveniently, there were four of us, suitably arranged into soprano,
alto, tenor, and bass.  In fact, it became so much a part of our life, my
sister made it into high school without realizing that other families
didn't necessarily do this.

The program consists of traditional lullabies from all over, as well as
items like Godard's "Berceuse" and Elgar's "Chanson de nuit." Brahms's
lullaby - that odd combination of art song and folk song - and "Rock-a-bye,
Baby" show up as well.

We tend to divide musicians into professional and amateur subspecies,
but professionals have families, too.  Some of them may even enjoy making
music off the clock.  That's the feeling here.  Richard Kapp - conductor,
pianist, impressario, and entrepeneur - has brought together friends and
family (the young Madeline Kapp just has to be related) for a music party.
Mela Tenenbaum, a superb violinist and violist (check out her Bach violin
works and Mozart and Klebanov concerti, also on ESS.A.Y), manages to kick
back without compromising her tone or phrasing.  She's always been good in
light repertoire.  She can make her violin sing without condescension.  She
also actually sings one number, the Yiddish classic "Rosinen und Mandeln",
in a soothing croak.  It's a great moment on this disc, mostly for the
contrast with the sweet-voiced Julianne Baird, who handles most of the
vocals.  Baird, a classical musician who communicates as strongly as the
best folk singers, also phrases like an angel.  Tenenbaum reminds us where
we hear these songs, mostly from people we love who haven't the best voices
in the world.

Madeline Kapp links us to childhood.  She's got a good kid voice -
true intonation, natural phrasing.  Best of all, she doesn't sound like
Charlotte Church.  There's no hint of "I will now become a child." She
doesn't pretend or slip into the role.  She really is a kid, singing.

Richard Kapp has always been a fine accompanist.  Here, he also recites
"Little Boy Blue," again reminding us that this is as much a party as a

If you're looking for something to give a very young music lover or hoping
to interest a kid with music, this disc makes an excellent present, as does
Caedmon's Lullabies and Night Songs, Alec Wilder settings of traditional
texts, sung by Jan DeGaetani (probably still available through Berkshire
Record Outlet).

Sound is fine.

Steve Schwartz