Mats Norrman replies to me replying to him:

>>"Forest Murmurs" from Siegfried is Impressionism before Debussy.
>>Tristan's mad scene is Expressionism before Mahler or Schoenberg.  To
>>a great extent, the vocabulary (and the idea of what constitutes music)
>>of both Expressionism and Impressionism comes from those earlier pieces.
>>That's the argument Mitchell makes.  I find it pretty convincing.
>How does he (or you, or somebody else) describes the characteristicas
>for Imressionist music resp.  Expressionist music as differs from plain

Read the essay.

>>I've never heard any orchestral work by Gade, including the op. 1.
>>I've heard a bit of chamber music, however.  It didn't do very much for
>>me, I'm afraid.  I found it "nice," but that was it.
>Isn't it a little picky to make such a statement with having heard so
>little? I suggest take a listen to "Elverskud" and "Fruehlingsphantasie".

Of course it's picky, but nobody likes everything.

Steve Schwartz