Ray Bayles <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Would appreciate any additional ideas with works less frequently done...
>and any 20th century pieces

Given the instruments available, i can think of two 20th c.  works which
would work well in a full church marriage (but not in a registry office in
FanYu, PRChina; with the groom (muggins) unable to understand a word of
what was going on): Hovhaness's Prayer of St Gregory (trumpet & piano or
organ; Peer International publishes the score) & Thrinos for cello solo by
John Tavener (don't know the publisher in this case...  sorry).  Both works
are available on disc - the Hovhaness multiply in different arrangements
(although the only versions of this particular transcription - on BIS &
Crystal - use an organ rather than piano); the Tavener on Tring RPO
Collection, Virgin & elsewhere.

All the best,
Robert Clements <[log in to unmask]>