Bob Draper wrote concerning my dislike for eclectic works:

>Could this last point be the reason why you have trouble with
>Mendelssohn, I wonder?

Mendelssohn eclectic? I don't believe that has anything to do with my
lack of appreciation of his music.  It's his melodies and musical flow;
the music hits my surface and just bounces away.  Ian has computed my
Satz Alignment at number 7 - I trust that Mendelssohn does not share
that number.

You know, it's very hard to give any thought to Mendelssohn when I'm trying
to get a handle on Erkki-Sven Turr's "Flux" recording.  By the way, do any
list members consider Turr's music to exhibit a lot of eclecticism? The
liner notes indicate that Turr's music contains "tonality, atonality,
serialism, ancient religous songs, popular tunes, appeals to the listener's
senses side by side with cold, mathematical constructions".

Don Satz
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