Mats Norrman wrote:

>Then we have Susan McClary who wrote a dissertation claiming that the 4th
>movement of Beethovens 9.  Sinfonie describes a "non-orgamsic rape".  I
>can't find the books name in my brain right now, but others on the list can
>tell you.  McClary is not the first one to have these ideas about Beethoven
>9, for a very certain reason...

Two sources:  "Queering the Pitch" and "Feminine Endings".  The latter,
in the chapter "Getting Down Off the Beanstalk," deals in part with
Beethoven's 9th.  The "non-orgasmic rape" phrase -- though not used by
McClary here (maybe in "Queering"?) -- would best suit her description
of the recapitulation found in the *first*, not fourth, movement of that

Mark K. Ehlert