I usually post to this thread after browsing through my copy of the latest
Gramophone; it's not a great magazine for record reviews, but it does give
me a good idea of what's ahead for recordings.

Right now, I feel like my head is swimming in records.  I couldn't resist
getting three cds at a local store, two more were waiting in my mailbox,
and with all the upcoming cds mentioned one way or another in Gramophone,
I'm sure you can understand my feeling.

Some of the more interesting prospects include:

Handel's opera Alcina on Erato conducted by Christie with Renee Fleming,
Susan Graham, and Natalie Dessay.  Christie, great in the French baroque
repertoire, was a little tepid in Handel's Acis & Galatea.  It should be
interesting to hear if the three big-hitter female soloists, not known for
singing baroque works, can mesh well with the orchestra as opposed to
dominating it as Terfel did in his Handel Arias disc with Mackerras.

Bach's French Suites on Hanssler performed by Edward Aldwell.  I'm very
much looking forward to this set.  I've loved his previous Bach recordings
on Nonesuch and Biddulph.

Another Bach recording, also from Hanssler, has Peter Watchorn performing
the Toccatas.  I'm familar with Watchorn from his English Suites on the
Titanic label.  Actually, I wasn't enthralled with my initial lstenings,
but then my daughter took the set to her home and won't give it up - she
loves it.  So, this is really her recommendation.  I'm sure I'll buy and
route it in her direction.

Elgar/Payne's Symphony no. 3 conducted by Daniel for Naxos - seems like an
inexpensive way to get familiar with this work, and the review was highly

Again Bach, a harpsichord recording from Alessandrini on Opus 111 "In
the Italian Manner".  Alessandrini is making a big name for himself,
and nothing of his I've heard is contrary to his growing stature.

Falla's Three-Cornered Hat and Nights in the Gardens of Spain performed by
Lamore/Domingo/Barenboim on Teldec.  I had a strong affection for "Nights"
as a youngster, but don't currently have any recordings of it.

20th Century Norwegian String Quartets performed by the Oslo String Quartet
for Naxos.  Composers include Valen, Egge, Kvandal, and Janson.  Let's hear
it for Norway!

Erkki-Sven Tuur's "Flux" on ECM featuring David Geringas on cello and
conductor Dennis Russell Davies.  Sounds like a disease that wiped out
thousands during the Middle Ages - I can't wait.

Here's a relative oddity.  Take Mozart's childhood violin, give it to a
child violinist, add a pianist, and you get EMI's new disc of Mozart violin
sonatas performed by Maria-Elizabeth Lott.  This girl looks so young that
she might not yet be getting an allowance from her parents.  After a few
months, she'll probably have her parents on an allowance.

I do have a correction to make.  Earlier, I had said that Brendel and the
Alban Berg Quartet, for EMI, were recording the two Mozart piano quartets
and a chamber version of piano concerto number 12.  I saw in a store that
only one of the quartets, KV 493, is acutally on the cd.  That makes this
issue less enticing; I'd rather have the other quartet than a chamber

Don Satz
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