Ian Crisp responds to Andrys Basten:

>>The other thing that confuses me is why you keep telling him (Don)
>>his tastes may change.
>Because it's true.

I'd like to step in at this point, since I'm the guy whose tastes
are changing from minute to minute.  Of course, I agree with Ian that
tastes/preferences in music can and do change over time.  However, I also
believe that there are "deeper" musical preferences which are very much an
integral part of an individual which do not change at all.

I would consider my lack of appreciation for the music of, say, Liszt,
to not be of sufficient depth that I could state with confidence that my
present taste will never change.  However, my depth of affinity for period
instrument performances of Baroque chamber, orchestral, and vocal music is
so strong that I feel it's a part of me, that it *is* me.  I can't prove
any of this, but my entire being supports it.  And, it's this depth of
feeling that Ian has not, in writing, considered.  It isn't just Diamonds
which last forever.

Don Satz
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