I noticed that Virgin Veritas, (the label that gave us the wonderful
Kirschbaum Bach Cello Sonatas for $10.99), has a 2-CD set of some of
the Shostakovich string quartets.

Question: Did the Borodin Quartet record them *all* a second time, so
that Virgin will re-release the rest?

Just to make sure I get an answer:)

1) Are the repeat signs observed....

2) Did the same person who poisoned Mozart poison Shostakovich....

3) Is it true what Norman Lebrecht says about Shostakovich and Stalin
   having an intimate relationship....

4) Does the Borodin Quartet use catgut strings from authentic Russian

5)Because life is so hard here in California, (the temperature dipped below
70 today), will Virgin provide me with enough access points to the music on
the CD, or should I just end it all ahead of time....(sigh)

John Smyth