Robert Palmer wrote:

>Bill S. writes:
>>How many of you have ever heard the Schubert C-major in its entirety with
>>ALL the repeats?
>I believe I have heard the Schubert Great C Major Symphony four times in
>live performances.  I used to be a repeat-fanatic and so I am usually
>attentive to these things.
>All of them omitted the big repeats in the first and last movements.
>One took the repeats in the third movement while the other three omitted
>all but the first small repeat that being the first part of the scherzo,
>therefore leaving out the second half of the scherzo repeat and the two
>trio repeats.
>Robert Palmer

I've conducted it that way several times. UNBELIEVABLE!!!

You get the chance to traverse so much wonderful landscape twice and to point
out so many interesting nuances of texture each time...

And in the worst case, there is always the possibility that it will be done
right the second time 'round...

Joel Lazar

 [Bless you, maestro.  -Dave]