Roger Hecht wrote:

Deryk Barker wrote:
>>Roger Hecht ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
>>>...  An odd thing about the Lyritas, again, if my memory serves.  Boult
>>>always divided the violins, but on those Lyrita recordings of the Elgar
>>>symphonies I don't think he did.  No idea why.
>>Because the engineers talked him into it, somewhat reluctantly.
>Really? I always wondered what that was about.  I wonder why he gave in.
>I mean, who the hell was Lyrita? Great sounding LPs, but I'm amazed they
>had that kind of clout with Boult.  But I guess that must be it.

I could be wrong, and someone's sure to tell me if I am, but I think these
records were made during a period when Boult was making few records and for
smaller companies, so his clout may have been less than it once was.  I've
never understood this unaccountable neglect.

Richard Pennycuick
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