Steve Schwartz wrote:

>I'm a great Boult admirer, and not just in British music.  He was a
>superb Brahms conductor, among others, as well.  Not everyone shares my
>enthusiasm.  Britten really disliked Boult's performances of his music.

That's the first time I heard those first two points together.  Generally,
I heard someone doesn't like Boult or likes him in English music by oh that
ghastly Brahms.

Me, I like both.  That Brahms symphonies are marvelous, though I don't care
for his hurry-up Serenades.

I can see Britten's point, though.  I don't see Boult doing that well with
Britten.  Too spiky and angular.  Boult didn't do everything great, of
course.  I never did like his Hindemith Symphony in EB, for instance.

Roger Hecht