Ralf Oehlmann wrote:

>I also like Solti, but was always confused about my version.  Mine comes
>from the Solti Edition.  The cover claims DDD (published in 1984 like his
>famous full price version with that nice landscape cover).  As the booklet
>claims it was recorded in 1979 in Vienna, it cannot be a digital recording.
>Where is the mistake? Is this version identical with his 1984 performance
>or did Solti recorded it twice?

Solti only recorded the work once with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
and it was in 1984 as I recall attending the January1984 concerts which
immediatley preceded the recording sessions.  As an aside to the ongoing
Repeat listings, Solti did not observe the first movement repeat in the
live performance but it is taken in the recording.  He does the same thing
with his performances of the Brahms symphonies.

Robert Palmer