Ian Crisp <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Non-musicians, and those who listen to a lot of music but lack musical
>training, do not have this ability to such an extent and therefore rely
>much more heavily on accuracy of recorded sound, and their appreciation of
>good performance is more likely to be influenced by recording/reproduction
>quality than is a trained musician's. In general, of course.

Gee...  How I wish I can read music.  After a few "consultations" with
Roger, I am several grands poorer after upgrading my audio equipments.
Is it true that musicians will be able to enjoy the music even through
listening to a symphony in a transitor radio (with no separation of
different instruments whatsoever), and because he can "see through" the
music, his enjoyment is the same whether it is from this transitor radio,
or the high end stuff that Roger Hecht has?

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