Bob Draper <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I believe that this is Mozart's misfortune and explains why he was such
>a bland and boring composer.  You see he had no option but to assimulate
>(copy) other composer's styles (just like Mendellsohn did), the child's
>mind is just not developed enough to be creative.

Mozart a boring composer? And in a league with better "MINOR COMPOSERS" of
his time.  It seems a bit harsh.  Like Glenn Miller, I do not read music,
not one note of it.  In 1984, the screening of the movie AMADEUS (winner
of 8 academy awards), inspired me to try to learn more about classical
music.  Trying to find the piece "A little night music" ended with his
Piano Concerto No. 9 instead, as I don't know even know what is a concerto
or a symphony then (still a kid).  I gave up as there is no one to guide me
and teach me what is what.  Years later, I had an opportunity to attend a
classical music concert, and intrigued again, started to read more about
Mozart and buy CDs (working and armed with cash now).  ohhhhh.....  only
then did I realise the greatness of Mozart...  his piano concerti No.
20-26, symphonies 31,35,39,40,41 and violin concerti (excuse me, Akima san)
and....(oops!  I forget myself).  Enough said.  For more than 1 year, I
hunted his works endlessly.  I shut my ears even to Beethoven, let alone
Stravinsky and other 19th century composers.  I listened only once to
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5, and came running back to Mozart.  Too
loud, too complicated.  Of course, years passed and I am now even chasing
after Shostakovich now.  My whole point is, without Mozart, I will still be
listening to Abba and Bee Gees.  Thus, if more people need to be converted
to the ever shrinking audience of classical music, the spaces in CD stores
need to be stacked up with Mozart.  Period.  Ever heard about the one where
pregnant women lisetened to Mozart hoping that their babies will be a
genius? Why not another composer? Mozart must be truly a genius.

"Danny Tan" <[log in to unmask]>