Linda Rogers writes:

>How he (Rostropovich) gets to that end is more the subject of debate
>amongst cellists.  His flat fingered playing and collapsed knuckles are
>certainly not the technique that I was taught!  It certainly seems to work
>for him and his enormous fleshy hands...

Having watched Slava play his instrument in performance several times I get
the impression that he simply swamps the instrument in a manner that speaks
total physical dominance of the instrument.  I imagine that his mastery is
the same as legendary long fingered string players (Pagannini was reported
to have fingers which were 8 inches long) dominated the violin in the 19th
century.  In any event he seems of exude the same charisma on stage as Yo
Yo Ma who appears to enjoy the experience as if making love to the

Bernard Gregoire
Hingham, MA