Ed Zubrow wrote:

>Having just updated my own wish list of classical CDs (the sum total of
>which far exceeds both my pocket book and my free time for listening in
>the next decade) I was curious about what others on the list do.

My Wantlist is integral with my Havelist.  That is, my CD catalog database
(a dBase home-brew affair), includes a check field for "Wantlist".  I enter
the basic information from reviews or wherever -- Title, Label, Number,
Orchestra, Conductor, Artist(s), but not the detailed track info.  I can
then print the Wantlist entries only on one page to carry along to record
shops.  I've managed to keep it to one page!  Printout is ordered by
composer, but with entires like "Piano", "Organ", "Orchestral" for mixed
composer & recital discs.  Basically listed the way the Tower bins are
organized.  I have no fixed rule for purging, but after many trips and no
find (including no luck on the web), I'll drop a listing, maybe after a
year or so.  The nice thing about this system is that when I buy the disc,
the database entry is half filled in; I only have to uncheck the Wantlist
field, and add the track info.  I can print out a freshly updated Wantlist
anytime I'm about to sally forth to the record stores, only takes a minute.

Art Scott
Livermore, Cal.