On a less controversial note than repeats or Mozart v.  Haydn, I'd like to
discuss organizing an "MTT for president!" campaign.  No seriously, there
is a relatively new Barnes and Noble bookstore in my town, and I decided to
check out their video section to see if I could find any classical music
videos.  Well, although they have a better selection than anywhere else
in the area, the pickings were relatively slim, and mixed in with other
musically oriented videos.  There was the "Trout" documentary with Dupre,
Barenboim etc., there was the obligatory Le Boheme, Aida and a few other
operas, there was Horowitz's '86 Moscow recital, and...  I was quite
surprised to notice a video case with the single word "JANIS" on the side.
"Wow!" I naively thought, "A documentary on the life and music-making of
pianist Byron Janis!  What a find!  I wonder why I haven't heard of it
before!" I pulled it out and began reading with alacrity, but my hopes
were quickly dashed, as I realized in fact it was about Janis *Joplin*.
Oh well...  I feel I am an anachronism at only 22 years of age.

Michael Cooper
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