Steve Schwartz:

>I just bought a CD of piano trios by Foote and Shostakovich, which
>I enjoyed immensely. However, I have no idea whether either
>"intention" was realized, since I'm not able to ask either
>If I follow with a score, I can notice the relation of what's
written to what
>I hear. The performance helps me find expressive capabilities in the
score I was
>previously unaware of.

Shostakovich may not have wanted anyone to know for sure.  In his
memoirs, Rostislav Dubinsky, First Violinist of the Borodin Quartet
tells about the period in which Shostakovich's works could not be
performed, especially abroad, without prior approval from the Culture
Ministry.   In one instance the quartet played a new quartet which
sounded rather grimly expressive, and the expression on the face of
the official was also grim.  So the quartet asked permission to play
it again, and this was given.  So this time the playing was light,
bright and upbeat, producing a cheerful expression on the face of the
auditor.  Permission was still denied.

Jim Tobin